Saturday, August 20, 2011

postheadericon Nice rankings IndieDB!

Put the game up on earlier this morning and have managed to get to rank 18 out of 4334 games! So far people have had some great comments.

It's pretty awesome to see Stormos chilling up with Minecraft and Amnesia: Dark Descent on the popular games section.

Here's the link again

Thank you to everyone for checking it out!

postheadericon Project Stormos on

Project Stormos has made it onto

If you are a member, come ask questions and help spread it around!

Friday, August 19, 2011

postheadericon Leader Boards are up

Testing out the leader boards with some of our test users. Check it out
Thursday, August 18, 2011

postheadericon Some music

One of the many music tracks in Project Stormos, more to come...

Intense by Rob Storm
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

postheadericon Kickstarter launch!

Go here right now to help fund Project Stormos, everyone will get to start playing the game immediately as soon as it is funded!

postheadericon Kickstarting!

Alert! Project Stormos launching on Kickstarter very soon!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

postheadericon New Website is a Go!

The new Project Stormos Website is online. You can go there right now for the first peak at the game, with an all new gameplay trailer. Please sign up for the newsletter and I'll inform as soon as the August 2011 public testing begins so you can start playing!